What Food Is Highest in Vitamin C?

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Within the journey for a more fit life-style, supplements play a significant part, and among these, Vitamin C sticks out for its bunch preferences. It’s fundamental for the boom, advancement, and repair of all outline tissues, working in numerous outline structures, such as the retention of press, the safe contraption, wound recovery, and the upkeep of cartilage, bones, and teeth. A common inquiry emerges: What dinners is most elevated in vitamin C? This article What Food Is Highest in Vitamin C? interests to answer that inquiry at the same time as investigating the significance and sources of this pivotal supplement.

Understanding Vitamin C

Vitamin C, also called ascorbic corrosive, could be a vitamin that’s basic for our body. Not at all like greatest warm blooded creatures, individuals don’t have the capacity to synthesize Vitamin C, this implies that it need to be gotten through our nourishment arrange. It’s popular for its antioxidant homes, betting a tremendous part in protecting the body in resistance to oxidative strain and supporting the safe gadget.

The Importance of Vitamin C

Before delving into the foods highest in Vitamin C, it’s crucial to understand its importance. Vitamin C aids in the production of collagen, enhances the absorption of iron from plant-based foods, and boosts the immune system, helping to protect the body against disease.

What Food Is Highest in Vitamin C?

When it comes to Vitamin C content, not all foods are created equal. The following sections highlight some of the top sources of Vitamin C.

Fruits High in Vitamin C

Kakadu Plums

Native to Australia, Kakadu plums contain the highest known concentration of Vitamin C, with up to 5,300 mg per 100 grams. This makes them the front runner in the Vitamin C content race.

Acerola Cherries

Just one-half cup of acerola cherries delivers 822 mg of Vitamin C, making them a powerhouse for this nutrient.


This tropical fruit is another excellent source, with one guava providing about 377 mg of Vitamin C.


Packing about 93 mg of Vitamin C, kiwifruit is not only tasty but also a great addition to a Vitamin C-rich diet.

Vegetables High in Vitamin C

Bell Peppers

Colorful bell peppers provide a substantial amount of Vitamin C, with yellow peppers offering the most at 183 mg per 100 grams.


This green vegetable is not only high in protein compared to other vegetables but also offers a good dose of Vitamin C.

Brussels Sprouts

A cup of cooked Brussels sprouts provides about 97 mg of Vitamin C, contributing significantly to the daily requirement.

FAQs for What Food Is Highest in Vitamin C?

How much Vitamin C do I need daily?

Adults need about 65 to 90 mg of Vitamin C a day, with an upper limit of 2,000 mg a day considered safe.

Can I get enough Vitamin C from food alone?

Yes, it’s possible to meet the daily requirement for Vitamin C through a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

Are there any risks associated with high Vitamin C intake?

While Vitamin C is generally safe, excessive intake (well above the recommended upper limit) can lead to side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

How can I incorporate more Vitamin C into my diet?

Incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables mentioned in this article into your meals and snacks. Fresh, raw fruits and vegetables often contain the highest levels of Vitamin C.


Within the rummage around for nourishment is most extreme in Vitamin C, it’s clear that natural products like Kakadu plums, Acerola cherries, and guavas, in conjunction with veggies like chime peppers and broccoli, best the list. Consolidating a blend of those Vitamin C-wealthy nourishments into your eat less permit you to meet your day by day necessities for this basic supplement, contributing to overall health and properly-being. Keep in mind, a adjusted weight-reduction arrange is prime to getting the complete assortment of supplements and minerals your outline wishes to operate at its charming.

By understanding the importance of Vitamin C and knowing the dinners most noteworthy on this count calories, you’ll make educated choices to enhance your utilization and delight within the wellbeing benefits it gives. Whether you’re attempting to improve your safe machine, beautify press retention, or direct common wellbeing, centering on Vitamin C-rich suppers may be a interior the correct course.

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